Barker, Rohner & Hunt DMD Blog

Invisalign Inquiry: Can I Get Clear Aligners If I Had Braces in the Past?

January 23, 2025

Patient holding up clear aligner

When you were younger, did you wear metal braces (and perhaps even headgear) for several years? Did you wear your retainer in the months or years following until it broke, was misplaced, or no longer fit, causing your teeth to drift back into their previously misaligned positions? If so, you might be wondering if you are eligible for a second round of orthodontic treatment, preferably with Invisalign. Keep reading to learn the answer!


Porcelain Veneers vs. Invisalign

December 19, 2024

A woman pointing to her Invisalign aligner

If you’re interested in fixing minor alignment or spacing issues in your smile, you may have heard that there are a variety of solutions for this type of problem. Both porcelain veneers and Invisalign can effectively address gaps and alignment flaws, but how do you know what’s best for your smile?

Here’s what you need to know about which treatment is the right solution for fixing your smile!


Can I Still Drink Coffee with Invisalign?

November 14, 2024

A woman looking at a cup of coffee

If you’re considering straightening your smile with the help of Invisalign, you may have heard that you’ll need to make a few lifestyle changes when wearing aligners. But what about that morning cup of joe? If you’re concerned about having to sacrifice your favorite caffeinated beverage to accommodate your orthodontic treatment, here’s the truth about coffee, drinks, and Invisalign.


Help! My Invisalign Aligners Won’t Stay On!

October 17, 2024

A woman putting on an Invisalign aligner.

Your Invisalign trays are designed to fit snugly and securely to your teeth. Each time you switch to a new set, they may feel tight and a little uncomfortable at first but should be better within a few days. But what happens if they don’t fit correctly, or pop off while you’re wearing them? If your aligners aren’t seating properly, you may be worried about how to get them to stay in place. Here are some tips and tricks to try to help ensure that your trays stay on and fit comfortably until it’s time to switch to a new pair.


Why It’s Never Too Late for An Invisalign Treatment

September 4, 2024

Dentist showing adult male an Invisalign tray

Maybe you didn’t have the chance to get braces when you were younger, or maybe your teeth are newly misaligned for one reason or another. Whatever the case may be for your crooked pearly whites, you can still enjoy the benefits of an Invisalign treatment in adulthood! Keep reading to learn why it’s never too late to straighten your teeth with Invisalign.


5 Best Practices That Will Keep Your Invisalign Aligners Clean and Clear

August 29, 2024

Patient using toothbrush to clean aligner

Like millions of patients around the world, you may have been drawn to Invisalign because the aligners are completely clear, making them virtually undetectable. If that’s the case, then you need to take good care of them throughout your teeth-straightening journey (not just at the beginning!) so they don’t start to stain or smell. With this in mind, keep reading for five easy ways you can take care of your Invisalign aligners.


How to Maintain Beautiful Dental Veneers That Last

July 15, 2024

Woman brushing her pristine teeth in mirror

You were so excited to receive your new dental veneers. Who wouldn’t be? They look great and can even help shield teeth that would normally be overly sensitive. To keep that excitement from fizzling out, it’s important to properly maintain your veneers. With just a bit of mindfulness, you can ensure your dental cosmetics last as long as possible and continue to dazzle. So, how do you take care of your veneers? Keep reading to find out!


What’s The Best Toothpaste for My Veneers?

June 20, 2024

A man and his dentist selecting a shade of veneers.

One of the keys to keeping your veneers looking as clean and sparkly as the day you got them is using the right toothpaste. While they are famous for their ability to resist stains, veneers still do need to be cleaned properly to avoid discoloration and prevent cavities from forming beneath them. But what you use to keep them clean matters. Because they are made of porcelain, not all toothpastes are safe for veneers.

Here are the best types of toothpaste for maintaining that white and bright smile for as long as possible.


How to Get Rid of Denture Sores

May 3, 2024

person asking dentist how to get rid of denture sores

If you wear dentures and struggle with denture sores, you understand how challenging they can be to manage. They can make eating and speaking uncomfortable and difficult. However, there are effective ways to alleviate and eliminate these sores, allowing you to enjoy your restored smile again. Read on to discover some tips that will help you overcome denture sores for a more comfortable beam.


Why Do My Dentures Smell?

April 26, 2024

Dental lab technician holding denturesNew materials and technologies allow dentures to look and feel more realistic than ever before. They can last for many years with the correct care, but they may begin to smell in a few months if you aren’t careful. Although dentures look smooth, they have small pores that can trap bacteria, leading to an unpleasant odor and damaging your prosthetic over time. Thankfully, it’s easy to keep your dentures odor-free. Here’s how to prevent your dentures from smelling and ensure they last for 5-7 years before needing to be replaced.
