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The 4 Major Ways to Prep for Dental Implant Surgery

May 10, 2022

Dentists performing dental implant surgery

Let’s say it’s the night before your dental implant surgery. You’re probably excited to get replacements for your missing teeth and have a nice, full smile again. But have you done everything you should to prepare for tomorrow’s appointment? After all, you wouldn’t want the procedure to be harder or longer than necessary. That wouldn’t be fun for you or your dentist.

If you want dental implant treatment to go smoothly, you should take four major steps beforehand. Read about them below to ensure you enjoy a restored smile without complications!

Have a Trusted Adult Drive You Home

Due to the sedatives involved, you’ll be too disoriented to use a car following the procedure. As such, you’ll need someone ready to drive or escort you home once your dentist releases you. Ideally, you might have a friend or family member take you to your appointment and pick you up afterward. This arrangement would only be temporary since your grogginess will fade after a few hours.

Follow Your Dentist’s Instructions

Depending on the circumstances, your dentist will want you to follow specific instructions for treatment. For instance, they may want you to eat a good breakfast pre-surgery so you’ll have the strength.

For dental implant surgery that involves IV sedation, your dentist will instruct you to stop eating by midnight prior to your appointment. To counter the sedation’s side effects, your dentist might also have you take antibiotics.

Give Yourself the Time to Heal

You should take it easy after your surgery, so clear your schedule for the afternoon and evening after your treatment. That way you’ll be in an ideal position for your gums to heal properly.

You’ll also want to already have dentist-approved pain relievers on hand. In the event you experience lingering soreness after receiving your implant(s), they’ll come in very handy. For moderate pain, you can consult with your dentist about stronger pain relief options.

Ask for Help

You don’t want to aggravate your gum tissue, especially around the implant area, for a few days post-surgery. As such, ask for help from friends and family to avoid over-exerting yourself during that period. This might mean having them walk your dog, handle the more strenuous aspects of child-care, cook, clean, etc. Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed about needing the help, since it’s for the sake of preserving your new implant.

Dental implants both improve your smile’s appearance and work to keep it healthy. Given such benefits, you’ll want to follow the above tips so treatment is as effective and easy as possible!

About the Practice

Barker, Rohner & Hunt DMD is based in Raleigh, NC. Led and founded by Drs. Hunt, Barker, and Rohner, their office has provided trustworthy family dentistry since 1985.  With its decades of experience, the practice offers excellent preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry for all ages. Whether you need a checkup or dental implants, they’re ready for practically any dental task. For more information or to book an appointment, they can be reached at their website or by phone at (919)-847-7100.